Wednesday 14 July 2021

Hana recommended File System layout

While working as a Sap Hana technical consultant, it is good to have knowledge about Sap Hana file system. In this article, I will be giving brief information about important file system and its content. These file systems are required to install Sap Hana DB using hdblcm with proper sizing.

/hana/shared –

This directory is installation directory of Sap Hana database. This is shared file system for all Sap Hana hosts. During installation of database, SID directory is created inside it. SID contains HDB<xx>, hdblcm, profile, global, hdbclient, exe, lm_structure etc. for various purposes. /hana/shared/SID/hdbclient is installation path Sap Hana client.

In /hana/shared/SID below are few important directories with significance.

  • hdblcm – This is local resident hdblcm used to perform various activities related to Sap Hana database like host rename, SLD registration, uninstalltion etc.
  • exe – contains kernel executable and python scripts
  • profile – contains Sap Hana database profiles where you can set parameters.
  • global – contains globally shared data and one more important use is to store FSD.
  • HDB<xx> – contains various Hana database executables, traces.
  • lm_structure – contains landscape description xml files.

/usr/sap –

This directory contains Sap hostagent & DAA agent installations. This is local instance directories.

/hana/data –

This is default path for storing Sap Hana data volumes. During installation, hdblcm will ask for SID and same folder in created here too.

/hana/log –

This is default path for storing Sap Hana log volumes. During installation, hdblcm will ask for SID and same folder in created here too.

/ –

root file system is mandatory in Linux operating system.


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