Monday 28 December 2020

Interview Questions for TR in SAP


What are the common transport errors in SAP ?

Below are the common errors in SAP transport management

Return code 4 : Imported with warnings
Generation of program, colomns or row missing .

Return code 8 : Imported with errors

  • Syntax error
  • Program generation error
  • Dictionary activation error or method execution error

Return code 12 : Indicates Import Cancelled

  • Program cancelled due to job
  • Import cancelled due to object missing
  • Import cancelled due to object not active

Return code 18 : Indicates Import Cancelled

  • Due to system down while import
  • Due to user expired during import
  • Due to insufficient roles or authorization

How to transport change request from one client to another client in SAP ?

You can transport change request from one client to another client using transaction code SCC1

How to disable the "Import All" button on STMS for the queues in SAP?

Login to your Transport Domain Controller. Run STMS->Overview->System.Choose the System you want to disableimport all. Go to Transport Tool tab.Add/Create Parameter "NO_IMPORT_ALL"set its value to 1.

How can you tell if a transport entry is in the process of being imported in SAP ?

Use table TRBAT to check if the transport is in progress.

What is a SAP transport group ?

SAP systems that share a common transport directory tree from a transport group.

What is SAP transport domain controller ?

R/3 system with the reference configuration is called as the transaction domain controller.


What is SAP transport domain ?

All R/3 systems that are planned to mange centrally using TMS from a transport domain.

What are the two editor modes in which we can configure the SAP transport routes ?

Graphical editor 
Hierarchical editor

What are the various configuration method available in STMS  ?

1. Single system configuration
2. Dev and Production system
3. Three system in a group

What are the various qualifier option or what are the various import options?

Six import options

1. Leave TR in queue for later import
2. Import transport request again
3. Overwrite originals
4. Overwrite objects is unconfirmed repairs
5. Ignore unpermitted transport type
6. Ignore predecessor relations. 

SAP AS Java monitoring Check list


SAP Java monitoring Check list

This article answers the following queries :

  • How to perform daily monitoring of Java stack in SAP ?

  • What are the daily checks for Java applications of SAP ?

  • How to access management console in SAP ?

  • How to perform session monitoring in JAVA stack  of SAP ?

  • How to view various java reports in JAVA stack of SAP?

  • What are the various java reports available in Java stack of SAP  and what is their significance?

  • How to view log and traces in java stack of SAP?

  • Where to view default trace in java stack of SAP?

  • What is the use of  management console in SAP ?

JAVA Monitoring

Contents :

  1. 1.       Checking the java stack/portal accessibility

  1. 2.       Actioning, in case portal not accessible

  1. 3.       User load analysis

  1. 4.       Java Reports – Navigation and usability

  1. 5.       Memory consumption and Threads report

  1. 6.       Session Monitoring

  1. 7.       Logs and Traces (Default trace, Server0 log etc)

  1. 8.       Accessing Management Console

  1. 9.       Checking System availability using Management Console(SDM, Msg server, Enqueue server, Java nodes etc)

  1. 10.   Check various logs(work directory logs, jcontrol, default trace, application log etc)

Java Monitoring :

Place the link of the respective java application in the browser and check whether the java application is opening:

For example:

If java is up and running, a screen similar to below will open.

If the page did not open,

i)                     Check  whether there are network issues

ii)                    Check tablespaces occupancy levels at Oslevel and make sure sufficient space is there and  if any tablespace is  100% full, action the same

iii)                  Check the default trace for any critical errors

iv)                  Check application log to determine any memory related issues

v)                   Check server node status at oslevel or through management console and action and bring up the java again.

To estimate the user load and to check the number of users logged onto the java portal :

Navigate to User Administration ->  Activity Reports

i)                    Check “Number of users in the last 3 hours” report

ii)                    To figure out most active users,

                                    Check the 10Most active users report

Java Reports :

Java Memory Consumption Report and Threads Reports :

These reports includes a chart of the memory usage of a cluster node and a chart related to the system and application thread pool.

To check this report login to nwa of the respective java stack :

Then  navigate to Monitoring -> Java System Reports :

Here following reports can be taken by selecting the respective report from the drop down provided:

  • Capacity Planning : This report includes a chart representing the requests sent to J2EE Engine, a chart for the number of http and security sessions, and a chart of the communication between J2EE nodes

  • Resource Consumption : This report includes a chart of the memory usage of a cluster node, and a chart related to the system and application thread pool

  • Application Activities : This report includes a chart that represents the history of the activities of deployed applications

  • Slowest requests
  • Slowest components
  • User activities
  • Current activities

However from monitoring perspective, resource consumption report is most important to analyse the memory consumption.

Select resource consumption from the dropdown to view the memory statistics as below:

Click on Go to Detailed Chart link of the respective report to view detailed chart as below

Click Hint on charts link to analyse the report better.

Select the respective Instance, Cluster node and Time period from the provided dropdown boxes to view the reports belonging to the same

Table view for Threads report:

There are 2 types of views: Chart view and Table view. You can change the view by selecting the respective radio button.

Please find below table view for Memory Consumption report

Session Monitoring:

To monitor sessions, navigate to Monitoring -> Session Monitoring


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