Tuesday 7 September 2021

SAP Content Server 7.53 Installation and Connectivity with ERP using SSL

SAP Content Server 7.53 has been released in October 2019. It includes important features such as as per the note 2856736 – SAP Content Server 7.5: Support for large documents Content Server 7.53 can process documents that are larger than 4 GB with proper parameter tuning. As SAP Recently released this new version of Content Server after Content Server 650, this blog post helps you to install Content Server 7.53 and establish connectivity with ERP using SSL.

 1. Database and Operating system requirements:

Database: We are going to install Content Server 7.53 in which File System will be used as the storage of the documents, if you are planning to install MaxDB 7.9 as database for Content Server 7.53, then you can do that as Content Server 7.53 also supports MaxDB 7.9 as Database.

Operating system: Below are the supported operating systems for SAP Content Server 7.53:-

  • AIX 64
  • LINUX ON X86_64
  • WINDOWS FOR X86_64

You can get the above information in details from PAM

Here we are using WINDOWS SERVER 2019 LTSC 64BIT Operating System to Install and configure SAP Content Server 7.53

Please refer below notes for more information:

2786364 – SAP Content Server and Cache Server 7.5 (and higher)

Also, please refer SAP installation guide by clicking here for more details.

2. Download Media:

Installation media can be downloaded from below path:


2.1 SWPM:

SAP strongly recommends to download and use latest SWPM, we are using Software Provisioning Manager 1.0 SP28 as from SP28 SAP provides the option to install SAP Content Server 7.53.


2.2 Content Server Package:

Download SAP Content Server 7.53 installation package

SUPPORT PACKAGES & PATCHES -> By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) -> C -> SAP CONTENT SERVER -> SAP CONTENT SERVER 7.53 -> SAPCS_SP_522-80004899.SAR 

2.2 SAP Host Agent:

Download latest SAP Host Agent

INSTALLATIONS & UPGRADES -> By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) -> H -> SAP HOST AGENT -> SAP HOST AGENT 7.21 -> SAPHOSTAGENT45_45-20009417.SAR

3.Technical Prerequisite:

3.1 Minimum Disk Space:

Disk space can be calculated with the help of SAP Sizing tool , as this is Test Landscape hence we are considering 50 GB of space.

Space can be checked on OS using below powershell command and check for SizeRemaining:-


The output looks like the following:


3.2 Minimum RAM:

RAM requirement can be calculated with the help of SAP Sizing tool , as this is Test Landscape hence we are considering 8 GB of RAM:-

RAM can be checked on OS using below powershell command and check for TotalPhysicalMemory:-

Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem

The output looks like the following:

3.3 Paging File Settings:

Paging File requirement can be calculated with the help of SAP Sizing tool , as this is Test Landscape hence we are considering 1 GB of PageFile size

SAP doesn’t support automatically managed page file sizes, to check the if page file sizes is automatic is not, use below powershell command-

(Get-WmiObject Win32_Pagefile) -eq $null

If Automatic manage pagefile size for all devices is enabled, the output value is True.

To disable Automatic manage pagefile size for all devices with the following command:

$sys = Get-WmiObject Win32_Computersystem –EnableAllPrivileges
$sys.AutomaticManagedPagefile = $false

Check the size of the paging files with the following command:

Get-WmiObject WIN32_Pagefile | Select-Object Name, InitialSize, MaximumSize, FileSize

The output looks like the following:

3.4 Back-end SAP ERP Requirement:

According to Installation guide, Release 4.5B or higher of the SAP system as certificates can only be used together with an SAP system release 4.6B or higher.

In order to be able to perform administrative tasks using transaction CSADMIN, you may need at least Release 4.6C version of the SAP system.

Here we are using SAP ERP 6.0 EHP 8

3.5 File System Type:

We need to check that we are using the Windows file system NTFS on hosts where we want to install the SAP system and database. NTFS supports full Windows security and long file names.

File System Type can be checked on OS using below powershell command and check for FileSystemType:-


The output looks like the following:

4. Installation:

Extract the SWPM using latest SAPCAR downloaded at step 2.1 using below command:

<Full Path of SAPCAR> -xvf <Full Path of SWPM> -R <Full Extraction Path>

D:\sapcar.exe -xvf D:\SWPM10SP28\SWPM10SP28_0-20009707.SAR -R D:\SWPM

The extraction looks like the following:

Start sapinst with below command from SWPM directory:-


this will open SWPM home page for the installation options.

Choose the SAP Content Server installation option in the SWPM menu, then “Generic Options” (at the very bottom of the list)-> “SAP Content Server”-> “SAP Content Server and SAP Cache Server (7.5 and later)”

and Click Next

Select Option Custom and Click Next

Put SID of the Content Server and the Drive to install Content Server application

Put complex master password and click Next

Selected option Different Domain in my case and enter the domain host, you can use as per your requirement and Click Next

Put complex password of <Domain>\<SID>adm and <Domain>\SAPService<SID> and Click Next

Browse the path of SAP Content Server Installation Package downloaded at Step 2.2 and Click Next

Browse the path of SAP Host Agent downloaded at Step 2.3 and Click Next

Select Local Domain for SAP Host Agent and Click Next

Put Password for <Domain>\sapadm and Click Next

Select SAP Content Server and Click Next

Check Instance Number and Hostname and then Click Next

Enter all relevant values and Click Next

Check all the Parameters again and then Click Next

Execution Phase Continues

Execution Finished Successfully and Click Exit

Login to Content Server Host and check for status of Content Server instance using SAP MMC

Content Server instance as been started and working.

5. Post-Configurations:

Make sure Content Server is responding with http and https links:



Below output should be displayed:

Goto Tcode OAC0 in SAP ERP system and Create new repository as below and Click CS Admin:-

Add the below parameters in Content Repository settings and Click Save.

Note: These Parameters are for FileSystem as Storage, so parameters are different for MaxDB as database.

You also need to create location D:\contrep on Content Server host.

Goto Certificate Tab –> Click on Send Certificate –> Activate the Certificate

Make Sure Repositories are running in tab Overview

Test the repository using report RSCMST and make sure results are as per 2888195 – Content Server 7.53 and report RSCMST i.e. Report RSCMSTH0, RSCMSTH1 and RSCMST2 should be GREEN

6. Setting Up SSL:

Goto Content Server from OS level and login with <sid>adm

and execute the below command to generate server certificate:

this will generate a certificate file in the location as below:

Copy this certificate to your local desktop.

Login to ERP and goto tcode STRUST and add this Certificate in System PSE:-

Do the same for SSL Server Standard(ICM restart may be required to take effect)

Goto Tcode OAC0 and Add HTTPS port to configruation.

Select HTTPS possible for HTTPS on frontend(if option doesn’t appear then use %https in tcode area)

Click Save

Do the tests again using report RSCMST:-

Now SAP Content Server 7.53 is ready to use with SSL.

7. Conclusion:

In this blog post we have discussed the SAP Content Server 7.53 installation with SSL connectivity with ERP.

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