Monday, 17 May 2021

Reset J2EE_Admin or Administrator Password

If the user ID Administrator or J2EE_ADMIN is locked or the password is forgotten the system can be accessed using the following method:

STEP 1: Enable user "SAP*"
  1. Start the Config Tool C:\usr\sap\<SID>\<engine-instance>\j2ee\configtool\configtool.bat
  2. Goto cluster-data -> Global server configuration -> services ->
  3. Double-click on the property "ume.superadmin.activated"
  4. Set the value to "TRUE"
  5. Double-click on the property "ume.superadmin.password"
  6. Set the value to the required password
  7. Click Save
  8. Restart the J2EE engine

STEP 2: Login to NetWeaver as user "SAP*"
  1. http://<host>:<port>/useradmin/index.jsp
  2. Click User Admin
  3. Enter userid SAP* with the password that was set above
  4. Search for user to unlock or change the password  (i.e. "Administrator" or "J2EE_Admin")
  5. Unlock and/or change password for the required admin user 

STEP 3: Disable "SAP*"
  1. Start the Config Tool C:\usr\sap\<SID>\<engine-instance;&gt\j2ee\configtool\configtool.bat
  2. Goto cluster-data -> Global server configuration -> services ->
  3. Double-click on the property "ume.superadmin.activated"
  4. Set the value to "FALSE"
  5. Click Save
  6. Restart the J2EE engine

STEP 4: Login as "Administrator" or "J2EE_Admin"
  1. Go to http://<host>:<Port>/useradmin/index.jsp
  2. Enter appropriate user ID and password
  3. When prompted change the password


To be able to further analyze your issue and environment please download the attached shell script you can get from KBA: 3218277 - Collectin...