There is might be time you to want to shutdown and startup oracle database in SAP server which is on the RHEL / Linux machine server.
- The default "STOPSAP" is command used for SAP application and follows with the oracle database shutdown which only if both servers are on same machine.
- "STARTSAP" is command used for SAP application and follows with the oracle database starting-up.
Manually Steps to Shutdown Database of SAP
Login into the Linux machine via putty from local machine with relevant user and execute the below commands:
/<root> # su oradev
sapdev:oradev 1> sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect /as sysdba
SQL> shutdown immediate
Manually Steps to Start Up Database of SAP
Login into the Linux machine via putty from local machine with relevant user and execute the below commands:
/<root> # su oradev
sapdev:oradev 1> sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect /as sysdba
SQL> startup